mei's diary

trying to be Less Chalant about posting here

life and stuff

I had a FIVE DAY WEEKEND recently, because I took two days off from work due to a really annoying sore throat and had an extra day due to a national holiday. I slip into vacation mode pretty easily, so I had a lot of fun over the weekend, just coding and seeing people (the sore throat wasn't debilitating) and taking it easy.

I saw the Mario movie with my sister and some mutual friends of ours (also a pair of sisters) who we've been trying to schedule a movie hang with for YEARS lmao. Between time abroad and busy schedules, it just never happened until recently. The movie was fun! I thought the dialogue sounded super janky - not sure if that's on the script or the directors, but maybe both - but it was entertaining and made me laugh quite a bit.

(Honestly I wanted to see it because I wanted to hear Anya Taylor-Joy as a voice actress, because she's the voiceclaim for one of my OCs. Unfortunately Peach's dialogue was always either really disjointed or too situated in the context of the movie, so I couldn't grab any lines to animate myself for fun...)

My friend Ice also came over and we had some gummies to belatedly celebrate 4/20. The gummies are kind of just taking up space in my room since I bought so many and don't even have them very often, because all I can do when I'm high is watch videos and talk a lot. I admire people who can play games or draw in that state. So I'm glad to have had a friend over to just zone out with together. (I would like to get a different, less sleepy strain next time I have access to it!)

Yeah. Weirdly social weekend - I don't usually have stuff going on because after the work week I just want to be a hermit - call it low social energy or whatever. But I actually had a lot of fun!

brainrot tracker (and i guess mini media diary)

When I was a kid I used to measure time in terms of obsessions - one year was my "Naruto year" and then the next was my "k-pop year", etc. It's funny to me that that's never changed - it's just a little more... fluid, in a way? Since I keep going back to old things I was wilding about. Since last year, I've been keeping a note in my Notion on what I've been obsessed with, as a person who hates to forget things.

Here's my small list of this past week:


that's it, see ya next time

#daily #media