mei's diary

save me, split mode

Emails are my favorite online mode of communication but it kills me that the popup window for replies covers up a good chunk of the original email.



I have to minimize the popup and then reopen it every time I want to check the original email. If the email is short enough, I could just scroll down to see it quoted in my reply, but my exchanges with friends are often lengthy so scrolling down to the middle of their letter then scrolling back up to mine is equally tedious. This is Protonmail, but Gmail allowing you to reply under the email does not solve things either – there's still so much scrolling. How have email people not devised a split mode yet? It's a point of friction annoying enough to make me procrastinate on my replies.

Today is my designated reply day (abstract holiday I made up that has no consistent reoccurrence) and I found myself frustrated with this again so, in a fit of rage, pasted my friend's letter into Obsidian, then made a new note to put my reply in and placed it in split mode.


I imagine I'll just copy and paste my finished response back into the email editor.

I have no idea why it took me so long to come up with this, but my life is immediately better for it. I'm sure there is an email client that does this more efficiently, but this manual version works fine for now. Does this mean I will reply faster? Who knows. I'm recording this anyway as if it were a feat. I hope I remember that I can work around small annoyances more often.

In other news, I've changed the font of my blog. I love a serif! Here are some other things:


Here he is.
