mei's diary

(the beginning of the) last hurrah

I've been feeling weird about posting lately and overall burnt out on online interactions, so I'm writing under make_discoverable: false until I get out of this funk.

Rather than be annoyed with myself for being in a funk, I'm trying to think of it as part of my disappearing act cycle, in which I take social tasks off my growing to-do list temporarily to ease my anxiety and re-add them when the scarier tasks are complete. It happens regularly enough that I think I'm learning to ride it out rather than fight it.

(Still, if I owe you an email, I'm sorry for the delay...)

In offline news, my giant extended family had our annual reunion recently. It was a lot of fun, as usual! I think I drank my alcohol quota for the month in one weekend, and I didn't win any particularly cool prizes at the dice game, but I got to talk to second cousins I never interact with, had fun with the ones who I usually do interact with, and was entertained by the games the host family prepared.

Some highlights:

I'm looking forward to our beach trip later this month with some of the second cousins who hung out in our hotel room. My dad is also fond of his cousins (their fathers) and my mom gets along well with the mothers – two things that become rarer the larger a family is – which is why they pitched it to us. How great is it that we just happened to also jive with each other?

In the meantime, my trip to Melbourne begins tomorrow! After such a social trip, this solo one feels a little lonely. I've been looking forward to it for ages but now that I'm here, I'm anxious about it. I would get like this every time I'd pack to go back to college for the semester, but I'm surprised to find that it applies in this situation too. Maybe I just don't like being too far from my family?

Some of my cousins are college-aged and studying abroad themselves, and they seem to be having an overall great time. Of course, I don't know the finer details of their experience because we aren't close lmao, but I'm impressed and a little envious of how easily they (appear to) take to their new environment. There are a couple of things that might explain why they're such naturals in an area I struggled (I was two and a half years into college when I started feeling like myself!), but envy isn't rational. I just continue to be dumbfounded by how smart and capable and well-adjusted they seem – that's what good mental health looks like, I suppose.1

This August is busy and full of travels. It feels like a last hurrah before I go back to my program, which I am really dreading. I submitted a couple of things late in the last module I completed, so they're marked as "incomplete" which is honestly fine with me, but my advisor said she'd talk to my last instructor to get them graded because... I don't know, honestly. I don't think it's necessary...? I would really rather take the L and move on because I did not like that instructor and she did not like me, but we'll see.

Anyway, I hope to try and start some work on my unit plans while visiting Melbourne's libraries, just so I associate my schoolwork with something more positive and enjoyable instead of the sour note my last module ended on. Fresh start!!! It's okay!!! We can try again!!! (← brainwashing myself)

Here is a mini media diary – things I've enjoyed in the past month or so:

  1. Disclaimer that I am undiagnosed, but it's not normal to be as anxious as my blog posts have revealed me to be, no???

#daily #family