mei's diary

i'm sorry, snorlax

I've been a bad sleeper for most of my life. Not in that I have trouble staying asleep or falling asleep, but I hem and haw about going to sleep at all, believing there are more important or fun things to do instead. When I was 12 and my family would go on vacation, I'd come back to my Tumblr dashboard and see all the posts that went up while I was away, so my first night back from an exhausting flight would usually be spent totally awake until the following morning, scrolling through photos of k-pop boys until I reached a point in my dashboard that I'd already seen.1

Now that I'm on Pokemon Sleep, this bad habit is more obvious to me than ever. The day resets at 4am on my app – which means that if I'm awake on a Tuesday until 4am Wednesday, it records my sleep as part of Wednesday.

Here is a diagram:


This also means that when I do go to sleep on Wednesday, I don't get as many points as I could have gotten, because you can only get a total of 100 points (a fraction of which I would have earned on my Tuesday-counted-as-Wednesday sleep), and they're trying to reward people for sleeping at appropriate times and not just, like, sleeping at all. Which, okay, fine. But I think there should be an option where you can set when the day resets at the very least. I want those points!

Revenge bedtime procrastination is a term people use now for the way I've been sleeping my whole life. Even in school, I was dissatisfied by how much of the day I spent in classes I didn't care about. Now that I'm working in corporate, it's the same thing.2

It all circles back to the need to spend more of my days doing stuff I find... not necessarily productive, but worthwhile. What activities make me feel fulfilled? Does that even come in the form of a job? I worry that whenever something becomes something I "have" to do, no matter how fun it was originally, it becomes unfun. Someone put me onto the rebel tendency and I haven't stopped thinking about it since.

Maybe I'm just pathologizing my habits, but I do think I need to get this sleep thing in check. I want to catch a Riolu.3


  1. This was, of course, when social media feeds were chronological.↩

  2. Then again, when I was unemployed during the pandemic, I did the same thing – but that was probably a different, pandemic-specific depression-flavored bedtime procrastination, lol.↩

  3. And also have more energy, and feel better, etc. But Riolu first...!↩

#reflections #sleep #visual