mei's diary

more bus rides with friends!

I recently read Kristin's post where she notes that a lot of blogs have a very serious tone to them, and laughed because it was something I clocked too, at least in my own posting behavior recently!

I think I naturally like to reflect, but I'd noticed that whenever I came on here, I found myself endeavoring to write Thoughtful Posts about Realizations and Things That Matter1, because a lot of the posts I read were (either intentionally or naturally) Thoughtful Posts about Realizations and Things That Matter. That's not necessarily bad, but I'm happy for the reminder to unclench. Honestly, I personally prefer reading the day-to-day, thesis-less stuff myself.2

Last Sunday I went on an overnight staycation with my friends at a small villa on the outskirts of the city! It started out a little rocky – I'd forgotten to bring a number of things, and it was raining so hard the villa owners called to cancel on us because of a leak in the roof. But we were already on the way and had prepared so much, so we said we'd go and check it out ourselves and discuss.

The place was mostly fine. There was a bulging wall and water dripping down the stairs, but nothing we couldn't ignore or mop up between enjoying ourselves, so we decided to stay instead of paying more for a hotel or worse, going home.

I was honestly nervous about the trip, as we'd never gone elsewhere together as a group, and I had a lot going on that week (suddenly got sick, comic due soon, still not sleeping great) so I wasn't counting down to it like the rest of my friends.3 It turned out to be really lovely, though.

A handful of memories:

I arrived home still hungover (MAN... at the tender age of not even twenty-six, I'm already slow to recover), but no longer ill. Hanging with friends is so healing!

It reminded me of the school field trips we'd go on, just with more prep on our part and less sweaty muddiness. The bus rides were always my favorite part of the field trips, because you could just chat with your friends in air conditioning and sleep and eat snacks. This was a great trip because it was the bus ride, but the entire time. I already want to do it again. (For now, I gotta finish this comic...!)

  1. Or whatever equivalent of that you can reach when talking about cartoon ducks and turtles.

  2. Although I find that it's hard for me to write casually when I'm trying to use proper capitalization/punctuation/etc, which is a standard I try to hold myself to when I write on here, since I never do this anywhere else. Raaaah... I'll figure something out.

  3. There is an earlier draft of this post that veered into Realizationposting where I feel guilty about how shitty I am compared to my friends, but I messaged one of them instead and the nice little convo that ensued nipped that in the bud, thank god. Note to self to do the braver thing of communicating instead of Self-Flagellation Via Thoughts!!!

#daily #friends