mei's diary

24 hopes for 2024

I saw Olu's post about their 24 hopes for this year and was inspired to write my own list.

The blank document unnerved me for a bit but once I started, I found myself typing non-stop and even had to cull this list a bit. A lot of them are within my control, and I hope to achieve as many of them as I can without driving myself into the ground with expectations.

Here we go!

  1. I hope to start letting myself sleep earlier and give myself the gift of a less breakdown-inducing sleep schedule.
  2. I hope to get back into language learning—whichever language I find myself fired up about.
  3. I want to draw and finish even just one comic I'm proud to show off.
  4. I want to keep reading.
  5. I want to listen when my body feels the urge to move around and be active, and let it. (Solo dance party in my room, go for a walk, stretch, nothing too complicated.)
  6. I generally want to stretch more often and get into a regular mobility practice.
  7. I hope to do more things that feel worthwhile and outside my comfort zone: travel, social engagements, random classes, new restaurants/places.
  8. I hope to figure out a system for online communication/replying to people that doesn't aggravate me + won't feel too tedious or exhausting.
  9. I hope I can reestablish an online art presence on my own terms, if I choose to do that again.
  10. I hope to understand how to handle my finances a bit better, however that looks like.
  11. I hope to learn how to cook a few new things.
  12. I hope to see my friends more often and in different ways.
  13. I hope to be a bit more considerate of others, and think less of myself in every sense—and to internalize the realization that overthinking and navel-gazing helps no one.
  14. I hope to finally compile my work into an art portfolio.
  15. I want to be a bit more ambitious, but not so much so that I fall into a self-optimizing trap again.
  16. I want to travel by myself and do the necessary planning and budgeting that comes with it.
  17. I hope to go on more walks with my dog or spend more time with her in general.
  18. I hope to get this godforsaken tattoo removed!!! (Just the one - the others are fine)
  19. I hope to keep finding joy in my existing hobbies, like drawing and webdev.
  20. I hope to be fully licensed to teach in traditional schools.
  21. I hope to go back to ESL tutoring. I thought it was fun and fulfilling, and really liked some of my students.
  22. I hope to develop any comic ideas I have into a pitch packet.
  23. I hope this year my family and friends stay in good health and grow in ways they want to grow.
  24. I hope I'm there to see that firsthand and enjoy their company.
